Matthew Carlberg

Classes I Teach Regularly


9th/10th Web Programming

Students learn the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and develop creative expression skills.

Unit 1 - HTML & CSS: Tags; links, images, and lists; CSS styling

Unit 2 - Boostrap CSS Library: carousels, cards, navigation bars, grid layouts

Unit 3 - Javascript Programming:variables, functions, DOM, forms

Unit 4 = p5.js Library: drawing shapes, animation

p5.js logo

Computing: Graphics & Games

Students learn the fundamentals of programming by using the p5.js to develop artwork, animations, and games.

Unit 1 - Drawing & Animation: program flow, variables

Unit 2 - User Interaction: conditionals

Unit 3 - Designing Games: loops, arrays

Unit 4 - Mondrian Art: functions, recursion

Python logo

Object-Oriented Programming

Unit 1 - Python Fundamentals: variables, conditionals, loops, lists

Unit 2 - Object-Oriented: instances, attributes, methods, classes, object interaction, lists of objects

Unit 3 - Advanced Topics: dictionaries, inheritance